
Letter: Abortion in the guise of reproductive health

Letter to the Daily Herald editor

Tracey Salvatore's letter of March 13 is in favor of the modernization of the Reproductive Health Act. I agree 100 percent. Everyone should have the right to reproduce.

I also agree that the doctor-patient decisions are between her and her doctor. At this time, our Illinois House is considering "modernizing" the RHA. They want to tweak it just a little.

Does a woman have the freedom and the right to create life and the right to terminate life without any conditions; even right up to birth? Those are some of the phrasings the letter uses under the guise of Reproductive Health.

If one wishes to terminate a pregnancy, let us not sugar coat it. There may be some medical reasons that one would want to terminate the pregnancy; however, using inconvenience or mental stress should not be granted lightly.

In the meanwhile, the scarcity of adoptable babies is so dire that people travel all over the world spend huge amounts of money looking for adoptable children while we have millions being terminated every year.

This act could be made to be the beginning of life for all people involved. To paraphrase Bill Clinton, "abortion should be safe, legal and extremely rare."

Dushan Lipensky


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