
Can U.S. be the beacon that works?

Today we read about immigrants walking to cross our borders. A number of opinions dwell on how they are illegals or worse, many just looking to making a buck with no loyalty to the United States. Additional comments note that none of these immigrants are marching to noncapitalist countries or willing to stay in a country like Mexico.

As for the marchers, a number of them have been deported more than once and face no threat other than wanting a better life. Unfortunately, I am not sure those objecting are making their point. In fact, it legitimizes people leaving the country they live in for ours and other capitalist countries. It also legitimizes the United States putting their nose where it does not belong (i.e., so like Germany and Japan, they do not want to leave). I am totally - 100 percent against illegal immigration of any kind but then if I were in the same shoes as these people, you are darn right I probably would be looking to escape.

Adolph Eichmann once was asked why he followed Hitler. He said, "If you were starving, barely surviving, with no future and someone promised a world of greatness and grandeur, and you heard the boots, would you have followed?"

Athens, Rome, Egypt, Napoleon, Alexander, Genghis Khan, and others had the same vision. They went about it different ways and accomplished a great deal for mankind, but they all failed. Perhaps the United States will be the one to get it right. Or then again maybe we will fall like all the rest.

Larry Eichman


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