
Same old, same old Illinois

Today I received my copy of West Chicago's municipal bulletin, informing me that the city's property tax levy is going up by 2.1 percent. The city blames the state government for reneging on funds promised to it, and claims that, after vigorous belt-tightening, the city is now obliged to raise revenue from its residents. Well, when the state increased my income tax last year, I turned the other cheek, and guess what? Come June, I'll be getting another slap in the face.

I see West Chicago's bulletin is in English and Spanish both. I wonder if dispensing with the Spanish translation might not have saved on printing and mailing costs. Wouldn't the best way to achieve an integrated community be to oblige everyone to speak one language? Historically, that would be English.

Perhaps West Chicago could declare itself a sanctuary city of sorts, refusing to cooperate with state officials who might come looking to enforce their regulations. Since Springfield can't hold up its end of the bargain, we can just walk away. Without all those unfunded state mandates, we'd save lots of money for sure.

I don't know what to do. California is crazier, but it at least possesses natural beauty. Other than Lake Michigan, all Illinois has is litter on its boring landscape. A bench on the prairie, with two old guys named Bruce and Mike sitting on it, wiping their noses with dollar bills and then tossing them into the wind - this is our state of affairs.

But what's this? Another guy, J.B., has plunked himself onto the bench. The future has arrived.

Alexander Lee

West Chicago

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