
Concentrate help for people who aren't working

Mr. Manzo wrote a column in the Dec. 6 Daily Herald which predicted the loss of around 62,000 jobs due to the new tax plan, of which no one, including politicians, knows the full extent of it. But the elimination of these jobs got me to wonder about something.

I understand people who are working don't think about people who are not working, but you have to pay attention to the fact that these people are not paying taxes or Social Security, which means working people have to pay higher amounts.

The Trump administration states the middle class will pay more taxes than the rich. OK, if they would stop the elimination of jobs and put people to work like they keep saying they will do, there would be more tax money coming in and maybe if they would stop spending and start cutting, this would also cut taxes.

I would be the first to pay a little higher amount of taxes if every Republican politician that voted in the new tax plan got voted out of office and put on unemployment. At least I would know they got their due.

Richard Schwarz


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