
Two-day Hindu civilization exhibit at Chicago's EastWest University

"Darshana," a poster exhibition on Hindu civilization, was displayed on May 2-3 at the East West University campus in downtown Chicago.

This exhibition showcased the concepts of Hinduism such as plurality, universal oneness, holistic living and harmony with nature through 24 posters on Dharma, Sewa (selfless service), spiritual paths, traditions, yoga, global impact, education, and other themes. The location of the East West University seemed very apt for the exhibition as it felt like a bonding between the Hindu traditions of the East and the University students of the West.

Upwards of 200 students and faculty attended the exhibition and each poster was diligently explained by volunteers of Hindu Swayamsevak Sangh USA Inc.

Many students were encouraged by their professors to visit the exhibition and learn about the Hindu culture. As they walked through the exhibition, students showed genuine interest and asked clarifying questions. Students and faculty were also very impressed by the professional quality as well as the content and design of the posters. Students and faculty from across departments such as biology, government and politics, English, history and psychology visited the exhibition and everyone felt that they learned something from the exhibition. At the end of the exhibition tour, many students and faculty volunteered to write in the guest book and share their thoughts and feedback.

Some of the comments the students made were:

"It was a very interesting presentation and I learned many things."

"I learned a lot about Hindu culture."

"I want to visit India one day so I can see in person."

In his testimonial, the Chancellor of the University Dr. Mohammed Wasiullah Khan welcomed the exhibition and said Hinduism is the most time-honored religion and that it was an honor to display the exhibition at the university. He recommended that the exhibition be expanded further as it was extremely beneficial and educational to the students.

This exhibition idea is the brainchild of Hindu Swayamsevak Sangh USA, Inc., a 501(c)(3), tax-exempt charitable organization. They received support from several Dharmic organizations in this endeavor. The exhibition is being launched and displayed at all major cities across the country.

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