
Letter: By their silence, Republicans as corrupt as Trump

President Donald Trump pulling troops out of Syria and leaving our allies, the Kurds, in mortal danger is the all too predictable result of the GOP failing to stand up to him.

The majority of them knew he was immature, ill-equipped for the job, totally selfish and corrupt.

They knew he should have been impeached following the results of the Mueller investigation but when it came out, Attorney General William Barr misrepresented the findings and the GOP were all too happy to go along with his interpretation instead of reading it for themselves.

The vast majority of the GOP in Congress know that the facts all point to Trump holding back aid to Ukraine until he got fake dirt on Joe Biden.

Each time Trump lied, the GOP had a chance to stand up to him. Each time they put their job security ahead of our nation.

Barr is now traveling the globe chasing conspiracies theories, trying in vain to discredit the Mueller investigation.

The GOP had at least nine investigations into Benghazi trying to pin something on Hillary Clinton and none of them found anything - they obviously haven't learned anything. Trump is so corrupt that he can't seem to believe that there are people who may make human mistakes but are not corrupt.

If even one Kurd dies because our troops pulled out of Syria, his blood will be on the hands of all the GOP who knew better, but supported Trump anyway.

Anne Krick


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