
Cruz refusal shows his lack of character

Sen Ted Cruz's refusal to endorse the GOP's nominee at the Republican convention, even though he pledged publicly to do so during the debates, reinforces the earlier contention of his peers that he is a man who stands for principles except in cases when it is difficult.

Regardless of the readers' opinions of Trump, what we witnessed from Cruz was an example of why he has no friends in the Senate, a body of 100 members who know him, work with him and 99 of whom refused to endorse him in the primary.

He has proven his inability to find room for compromise and that inability is essential in governing. Our incredibly arrogant President Obama, with a similar character flaw has given us over seven years of lecturing instead of an invitation to dialogue.

All of this divisiveness and paralysis in government is a reminder that some of our "leaders" with their bat and ball have never left the "sandlot" of their childhood, refusing to play unless they get to pitch.

What we need in government today is a little less pride and a lot more humility.

Gerald Wester

Mount Prospect

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