
Rebuild trust person-to-person

Are most U.S. citizens looking backward, yearning for simpler times? We miss the hope and happiness we experienced not that many years ago. Our distrust and jaundiced view of those around us has eaten into the vitality created by giving mutual respect, living a trustworthy life and believing in the benefits of working as a community in this country.

The value of a "handshake only" deal was, in part, what made this country great. The community would let everyone know who to trust and who not to, based on their day-to-day actions. Those who chose isolation did not get the benefit of mutual aid to raise a barn or bring in the crops. Cooperation made people prosper.

As the rural life shrank drastically and was replaced with urban isolation, we lost the benefit of helping each other, and focused on the material world instead.

Who do we trust now? Neither the politicians, nor the media nor our fellow citizens are held in our esteem, as reported in that same media. As soon as one person makes a gaffe, they become a viral laugh.

We have no true heroes. This leaves us only with trusting those in our small circles of friends or family. Many of them are suspect, too.

The solution to our trust issues and progress forward is to become trustworthy ourselves and to reach out to those who deeds show their worth. Let's extend trust to one person at a time to build bonds of friendship. Let's give our business to those who consistently give back to the community. Let's look for faiths and political leaders who are inclusive, not exclusive.

In short, let's rebuild our communities, person by person, and, once again, reap the benefits of trusting and helping each other.

Mary Hansen


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