
Someone enlighten on global warming

Almost daily an article appears in the media, including newspapers, extolling the dangers of climate change, which used to be global warming after it was global cooling until there wasn't any of either. The "Alarmists" though continue to bombard us with shibboleths, described as Hogwash repeated over and over until it becomes a believable fact.

All that aside what bothers me most is the constant theme about controlling and, more important, taxing CO2. Everybody knows that CO2 is absolutely necessary for life to exist on this planet Earth. If mankind must control CO2 by taxing, I am waiting for the publication of the studies and data, computer models are not acceptable, which presents to us the answer to the following questions. How much CO2 is too much; how much CO2 is too little; and how much CO2 is just right?

What is the goal or are we just sheep and supposed the believe the "believers." Please, somebody enlighten us.

Richard Murdock

North Aurora

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