
Willful ignorance among Democrats

So, according to Cecile Powell, no other U.S. president has been treated as badly as Barack Obama, eh? Tell me, which Republican president in the past 50 years or so has been treated better, and especially by the Democrats?

Criminy, they're still blaming Bush for virtually anything and everything imaginable. His dad didn't fare much better, and the loathing of Reagan by the Dems, even to this day, borders on the maniacal.

But let's get back to Obama. Did he, or did he not, promise that his administration would be the most transparent in history? If so, why does he not produce an original, non-retouched copy of his birth certificate to shut up his detractors once and for all?

I'm going to guess that you already know that Wisconsin Gov. Walker did not finish college. Did Pres. Obama? What classes did he take? What grades did he receive? I betcha I could find that sort of information regarding almost any Republican officeholder, but who can produce hard copies of Obama's? That's what being transparent means?

Regarding the negotiations with Iran ... well, all I can say is, go get a history book and read up on a guy named Neville Chamberlain. Not everyone is good at negotiating, and when it comes to doing so with radical, terrorist-related countries, the number of qualified individuals falls dramatically. What gives you confidence that Obama or Kerry have these skills?

And Benghazi, you say? What do you know of it? That the protests, fighting, shooting and killing was the result of a YouTube video? That was an abject lie right from the get-go. Can you tell me why anyone would authorize, and stand by such a lie for so long?

While you see hatred among the Repubs, I see willful ignorance among the Dems.

John Babush

Big Rock

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