
Permanent solution to homelessness needed

Since many cities around the country have suddenly discovered that homelessness is either a misdemeanor or a felony, is jailing them and providing food and shelter the answer? Since most homeless people are either emotionally or rationally handicapped, can incarceration, with appropriate medical attention, be just the prescription to treat this urban tourist eyesore? Realizing that jails are already overcrowded, should all complicit mayors and city councils in their deliberation to criminalize their own citizens consider housing in currently vacant, soon-to-be-refurbished buildings within municipal boundaries, staffed with capable security and medical professionals, at city's expense?

Arguably, this would be a Band-Aid approach until thoughtful people around the country ultimately come up with a permanent plan to address this translucent blight on America. Since when did life's struggles become so offensive?

James D. Cook


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