
Other Benghazi spurred by video

Karl Rove, who perfected this GOP strategy most notably in the Swift-boating of John Kerry, is at it again with The Hillary brain damage nonsense. The idea is that once you get a story out there, no matter how false or crazy, it doesn't go away and people believe it. The basic (GOP) belief behind this strategy is that people are stupid.

And while I'm at it, the right wing scoffs at the idea that a riot could be caused by a video. But, in fact, there were numerous violent protests in the region spurred by this stupid video just before the Benghazi attack. So, it was not an unreasonable explanation. And it is the endless questioning of the explanation and spin that doesn't make a difference to the lives lost. The recent cartoon misses that point as does Fox TV. And if they want to complain about spin let's remember "Mission Accomplished."

And while I'm at it, if you were at the IRS wouldn't you pay closer attention to groups whose stated purpose was to stop big government and not pay taxes?

And one more: The upside of action to reduce pollution, etc. is saving the future of life as we know it. The downside is reduced corporate profits. If climate change is not real any "unnecessary" efforts would still leave us with cleaner air and water and I don't see what's wrong with that.

David Greb


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