
Pols should pay furloughed workers

Pols should pay furloughed workers

Congress shut down the government due to the fact that they are 2-year-olds, and to further put a burden on the taxpayers they furlough the government worker for over a week and then decided to pay them back pay.

Now if they can make them go back to work after their vacation, why did they make them take the time off in the first place? If Defense Secretary Hagel made the decision to put them back to work, why did he let them take a vacation in the first place?

So now we have to pay them back pay for doing nothing, which if you ever went in a government office for any kind of help you would know that they do about as much work as Congress which means you get very little help from them. I believe that Congress should pay these people out of their own pockets now that we know they were not to have the vacation in the first place, then maybe the 2-year-olds might start thinking about what they are doing. Fat chance of that.

People, our government is so bad it is to the point that maybe a revolt is our only solution and that people is the saddest thing a person can say. I don’t know who could help us with this mess but I wish they would raise their hand. God knows we need it.

Richard Schwarz


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