
Mass. governor makes good on Hawks wager

Massachusetts Gov. Deval Patrick has volunteered with Illinois Gov. Pat Quinn in Chicago to pay up on their Stanley Cup championship bet.

Donning smocks, the two sorted pears at the Greater Chicago Food Depository on Tuesday.

Patrick and Quinn had bet on the National Hockey League finals featuring the Chicago Blackhawks and the Boston Bruins. If the Bruins won, Quinn would have volunteered at the Greater Boston Food Bank.

The Bruins dropped the series in six games.

Patrick, who grew up in Chicago, says it's a good lesson in the importance of service. But he says he couldn't agree to one term of the bet — wearing a Blackhawks jersey.

Quinn has made similar wagers with other governors before. He says volunteering is a good way to honor both teams.

Last month the city re-named a portion of Wabash Ave where Patrick grew up as Honorary Gov. Deval Patrick Ave.

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