
Good guy with gun can stop bad guy

Good guy with gun can stop bad guy

All states but Illinois have provisions for their citizens to obtain permits to carry a concealed handgun. In Arizona, no permit is even required. Meanwhile, the Illinois legislature is fighting tooth and nail against court orders to allow permits. So what does the rest of the world know that Illinois does not? Here is a list:

1. It takes a good guy (or gal) with a gun to stop a bad guy with a gun.

2. Our good guys with guns are the police force, but there are not nearly enough of them to cover all the places they are needed.

3. The solution is to have other lawfully armed citizens sprinkled throughout society where they may be needed. Historically, implementing this brings the crime rate down.

4. The Illinois legislators seem intent on disallowing concealed carry in the schools, transportation centers and, in general, all the places where it is most likely needed. These people need their heads examined.

5. Our greatest tragedies are from an armed criminal who cuts loose in a crowd — that’s where there are lots of people to shoot.

6. To defend in that situation, the armed good guy needs training comparable to that of the police. It’s very difficult to hit only the bad guy with everybody in motion.

7. The National Rifle Association (NRA) has training programs available, and the Illinois State Rifle Association is planning programs once the legal requirements are settled.

8. In Arizona, and other states with lots of open land, people regularly go out and practice their shooting skills. In metropolitan Illinois, there is a shortage of private shooting ranges for practice which the legislature must legally facilitate, not in effect outlaw as they now do in the city of Chicago.

Gib Van Dine

West Chicago

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