
Kenneth Tentler: Candidate Profile

Lake In The Hills Board (4-year Terms) (Republican)

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<p class="disclaimer" style="font-size:16px;color:#666;"><strong>Note:</strong> Answers provided have not been edited for grammar, misspellings or typos. In some instances, candidate claims that could not be immediately verified have been omitted.

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BioKey IssuesQ&A

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<h3 class="breakHead">Bio</h3>

<strong>City:</strong> Lake In The Hills


<strong>Office sought:</strong> Lake In The Hills Board (4-year Terms)

<strong>Age:</strong> 40

<strong>Family:</strong> Single, No children.

<strong>Occupation:</strong> Self-employed builder/remodeling professional 20 years Tentler Construction

<strong>Education:</strong> 1995 Graduate of Northern Illinois University BA Political Science

<strong>Civic involvement:</strong> I have been involved with-State and local Republican causes, 2.5 years of election judge experience; I am or have been involved with Toastmasters International, Business Networking International, Barrington Career Center, Bridge Youth and Family Services, Faith in Action, 3 years of Horseback riding, several forms of martial arts since 2010, Sail Chicago. I have also participated in Catholic Charities. I pick up training and education seminars from physical and mental health seminars to MCCD conservation classes. Billiards and skiing are loved.

<strong>Elected offices held:</strong> No

<strong>Have you ever been arrested for or convicted of a crime? If yes, please explain:</strong> No

<h3 class="breakHead">Candidate's Key Issues</h3>

<h3 class="briefHead">Key Issue 1</h3>

I maintain that there are always three issues to any political campaign. The first issue is the nuts and bolts of governing. Personnel, services, meetings, comprehensive plans, the levy, plowing and mowing, water resources etc. must move to inexhaustible excellence. New ideas, quality thinking, problem solving, critical and independent thinking and a sense of vibrancy and urgency must highlight how leaders analyze. I bring a strong, young healthy mind to political debate with the intention of leading and serving.

<h3 class="briefHead">Key Issue 2</h3>

2-People issues can be very intense. Are people helped when they are forced to move from a comfort zone? More citizen involvement is needed in various branches of government, a common uniting roadmap with various avenues, and a challenge to traditional talk, these among many constitute valuable politics. People started to agitate over the property taxes and now they are leveling off. Tax and similar talk, everyday futurism related to quality of life issues and needs require political debate. I am compassionate to others and insightful. While fair debate is my prime driver, I will fight for what is needed.

<h3 class="briefHead">Key Issue 3</h3>

How can things be made genuinely better? We must work hard to make the best possible outcome for our towns, county, state and Country. I am no longer content to spend two plus hours a day driving peripheral to my work. I look at traditional building and know there is so much room for improvement. Raising expectations, inspiring involvement, challenge the status quo, seek upper level knowledge and much more-needed in our homes! I will always be the political figure that treats you like an equal and always needs your help.

<h3 class="breakHead">Questions & Answers</h3>

<h3 class="briefHead">What makes you the best candidate for the job?</h3>

Having answered the call of my community that needed a political challenger, a savvy and fluid thinker, a self- taught builder that brings constructive type argument, a well-rounded man, a conservative political thinker, an election judge; also a sailor, occasional equine student, martial arts/fitness practitioner, skier, occasional volunteer-I will do the research, work the politics to the best of my ability and make the difference I set out to make.

<h3 class="briefHead">Given the delicate balance between the need for revenue and over-taxing local businesses, what is your opinion of your community's present level of local sales taxes? Is the tax just right, too low or too high? Explain.</h3>

The Village can raise sales tax 1/4 percent at a time. Villages collect taxes because there are needs and wants. I basically agree with the principle of sales tax. In my opinion, Lake In The Hills has many needs and thus would like to collect further revenue. On this issue I am a tax fighter but strongly believe that further debate is needed on tax fighting and why seasoned leaders seek to raise taxes-and the positions in between. On the issues of village needs-I think the store infrastructure is far from state of the art (80s style boxes and strips), the Village needs a museum, hotel/motel, adult education services that teach painting/martial arts or advanced education outreach and many more. Again we see how things are systematic and interrelated starting at the easy question of raising sales tax and finding our way to quality of life/human need issues.

<h3 class="briefHead">Talking with your friends and neighbors, what seems to be their biggest public safety concern? Explain the concern as you see it, and discuss how you think it should be addressed.</h3>

Public safety issues include-set up/phony car accidents, I suppose cultural/society type actions, water quality including surface, gun issues, state of the art medicine should be in each county, weak mindedness, weak/less fortunate and old getting what is needed. Responsible living, self-improvement, civic involvement ought be at the center of human activity. Is there any one person that has all of the facts?

<h3 class="briefHead">In these tight economic times, municipal budgets have to be prioritized. Where, if anywhere, could the current budget be trimmed, and conversely, are there areas the budget does not give enough money to?</h3>

I cannot say anything worthwhile about the budget at this time, please check my website after March 10- . It is known that the Village and Administration officials receive awards. I would always argue that we can do better.

<h3 class="briefHead">What's one good idea you have to better the community that no one is talking about yet?</h3>

Let us work harder to generate ideas and the funds to keep Lake In The Hills as the best place to live in the Suburbs!