
Surrender freedom with a whimper

Surrender freedom with a whimper

The media makes a great fuss over America now approaching a fiscal cliff or they speak of the horrific consequences to the nation if it goes over it. Yet the sad truth is that the cliff has already be reached — on Nov. 6 — and the Republic did indeed go over it.

That much is history. The citizenry elected to exchange freedom and independence for material security, dependence and servility: a return to serfdom.

It is not unlike the decision Esau made to sell his birthright to Jacob for a mess of pottage. But it even more closely echoes the choice made by the Vichy French and the Norwegian Quislings to place their peoples under German overrule in World War II.

In our case, it is Americans surrendering their freedom as they become subject to an ever-expanding centralized authority. Our heroic forebears can take no pride in this generation. That the people would opt for an alien and un-American philosophy is not so much tragic as it is pathetic: American liberty expires and not with a bang, but with a whimper.

When the last hope for freedom in the world is gone, then where can people go?

Donald Lamesch


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