
Label genetically engineered foods

A Colorado man’s recent multimillion award for damages for lung problems purportedly caused by years of inhaling the aroma of microwave popcorn has left many asking, do we really know what’s in our food? We need readily available, accurate information in order to make healthy decisions, but most Americans aren’t aware of many of the ingredients that are in the foods they eat. While labels may tell us about fats, salt and calories, we are left in the dark about whether our foods contain genetically engineered ingredients.

Recently, a disturbing study published in Food & Chemical Toxicology Journal found that rats developed tumors and liver and kidney damage from exposure to corn genetically engineered to withstand a popular weed killer. GE foods are becoming more prevalent in our food supply, yet no long-term studies have been done about their effects on human health. What’s even more concerning is that these foods were introduced into our food supply without labels, so we have no way of knowing what we are buying and eating.

The debate around genetically engineered foods is likely to continue for years, but labels will give consumers the choice to decide what they eat and feed their families. It is time for the FDA to label GE foods — we have the right to know.

Dan Podraza


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