
Cook up some comfort food this Christmas

Desperation Dinners

At its heart, bread pudding is comfort food, plain and simple. But just because something is comforting doesn't mean it can't put on some fancy new clothes for the holidays. Take today's recipe for Christmas Bread Pudding with Dried Cherries and Chocolate Sauce. It's sassy, to say the least, but still just as satisfying as ever.

We like to get a bit fancy for Christmas Eve and Christmas Day, but at the same time, we don't want to spend hours in the kitchen fussing over food that's way too complicated. Often just the littlest thing — say, a simple dried cherry — is all it takes to elevate an entire dish. When we find just such an ingredient for the right recipe, we like to call them our “secret ingredients.”

In our book, cherries tend to call out for chocolate, so you can drizzle on your favorite warmed chocolate sauce or visit our website,, where you'll find our favorite microwave Hot Fudge Sauce. So whether you're looking for a perfect family dessert or something for company, let this bread pudding do the honors. You'll be glad you did!

Beverly Mills and Alicia Ross are co-authors of “Desperation Dinners!” Write them at Desperation Dinners, c/o United Media, 200 Madison Ave., New York, NY 10016. Or visit the Desperation Dinners website,

Christmas Deep-Dish Cherry Bread Pudding