Beverly Mills
Concord Grape ShrubOct 25, 2017 5:50 am - 3 cups Concord grapes, stemmed and rinsed ½ cup sugar 1½ cups apple cider vinegar Combine the grapes and sugar in a large, clean jar. Use a wooden spoon to gently muddle...
Beverly Mills leaves Desperation DinnersDec 28, 2011 5:00 am - From Beverly: I don't love change, whether it's tweaking holiday recipes or moving across the country. I'm now in urban Washington, D.C., in a condo with my husband and ...
Easy, and elegant, Christmas dinnerDec 21, 2011 5:00 am - This year I'm serving pasta for Christmas dinner. Oh, I know Christmas dinner is a meal that deserves something extraordinary. But I'm so tired from unpacking boxes and ...
Mom, that beef stew was amazingDec 13, 2011 2:00 pm - Though I'm often cooking for one these days, I still like to cook in big batches to freeze. Not only do I have my dinner with most of the work done, I have food to share...
Cooking in advance makes dinner easyDec 08, 2011 5:00 am - Cooking ahead can seem like a daunting task. Cooking one meal is sometimes overwhelming: How do you cook several at the same time? What if I told you that with only a 15...
The gift of granolaNov 30, 2011 5:00 am - Now that Thanksgiving is over and we are heading into the biggest gift-giving season of the year, I want to share a treat that is as wonderful to distribute as it is to ...
Bean stew eases pre-holiday meal stressNov 21, 2011 7:00 am - Thanksgiving is practically here. Whether you've been cooking for a week or you haven't quite decided what to serve, chances are, for a regular evening's meal, you want ...
Be thankful for pumpkin breadNov 16, 2011 10:00 am - Today's recipe is a beautiful example of what it truly means to be thankful. My friend, Pauline Byron, is originally from Holland and grew up in South Africa. She moved ...
Give thanks for sweet potato casseroleNov 09, 2011 5:00 am - Today's installment in “Foods To Be Thankful For” is my mom's amazing sweet potato casserole. In case you missed the delicious carrot bisque featured last week, check ou...
Sauce key to French-style sandwichOct 26, 2011 1:00 pm - I thought I knew what a good ham-and-cheese sandwich was all about until I tasted my first croque monsieur. If you're not familiar with the classic French toasted ham-an...
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