
Why bellyache about cookie sales?

This is in response to the Jan. 30 letter ripping Girl Scouts for the time of year they sell cookies. Could it be done in the spring? Perhaps. But most of the letter seemed to be pure garbage from someone who just loves to complain.

Certainly, we have enough of those types in this world. Lay off the children. In other words, cool it. My daughter has sold cookies for the last three years, and it has been a wonderful father-daughter activity. For your information, it is very simple to go outside on a winter day, knock on a few doors, then come home and get warm before going out again. Quite frankly, it's a wonderful thing to do to pass the time in the dead of winter.

What cheers people up more than Girl Scout cookies? My daughter could not wait to get going this year. And although I teased her for "dragging Daddy out in the cold" so I could walk with her, she knew I was kidding. We had fun then, and we'll have fun when the cookies arrive. That stuff about "who wants to stand there with their door open" was nonsense.

Here's what you do, and please pay attention: If you do not wish to buy the cookies, politely tell them so, and they will go on their way. If you wish to purchase some, simply invite them inside and close the door while you make your decision.

Steve Brandy
