
Schaumburg’s Sweet Orange Cafe to add dinner hours, barista bar, wines for a dime

Nearing its second anniversary, Sweet Orange Cafe in Schaumburg is shifting from its original concept as a breakfast-and-lunch-only restaurant by adding dinner hours, a barista bar and weekly wines for a dime.

Owner Krystyna Mrsic said she’s already begun staying open until 9 p.m. with dinner menu items four days a week. Though Monday through Wednesday hours remain 7 a.m. to 3 p.m., she expects daily dinner hours to be the successful conclusion of the experiment.

“We’re very passionate about our restaurant and our food,” she said of the family-run enterprise.

Another change already up and running is the full-service barista bar serving such beverages as lattes, cappuccinos, tea, milkshakes, smoothies, martinis, wine, lemonade and hot chocolate.

The expert barista team is led by the mononymic Parker and Mrsic’s own daughter Selma.

Barista Selma Mrsic, left, along with server Nancy Sakolovska and marketer John McCartney, show off the new barista bar at Sweet Orange Cafe in Schaumburg. Courtesy of Sweet Orange Cafe

Beginning Feb. 13, every Thursday will offer two glasses of red or white wine for a dime with the order of a dinner entrée.

Located at 933 S. Roselle Road, Sweet Orange Cafe is in the Kingsport Plaza shopping center south of Weathersfield Way and north of Wise Road.

Mrsic said the restaurant’s location was carefully chosen for its market demographics and ample parking. With the expansion from its first concept and hours, Sweet Orange Cafe will mark its anniversary St. Patrick’s Day.

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