
Man found dead after vehicle catches fire, damages Fox Lake home

Fox Lake police are investigating the death of a man found inside a burning SUV that damaged a home Tuesday afternoon.

Police called to Scenic Lane and Scenic Drive near Pistakee Lake about 2 p.m. found a 2000 Dodge Durango engulfed in flames, with fire spreading to a vacant summer home, authorities said.

The body of an unidentified man, the sole vehicle occupant, was found in the driver’s seat of the Durango after the fire was extinguished, according to police.

Police said the vehicle backed into the driveway, onto the front entry stairs and caught fire, which spread to the front of the home and caused significant damage.

An initial exam of the man showed no outward signs of trauma except for fire-related injuries, police said.

Fox Lake police, the Lake County Coroner's Office, state fire marshal and others are investigating.

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