
World Mission Society Church of God to host crime prevention forum in Bloomingdale

As crime continues to rise, ASEZ University students and young adult volunteers pledge to be a driving force in educating and encouraging the community in solutions for crime prevention with the help of NAMI and the Bloomingdale police.

ASEZ stands for Save the Earth from A to Z and is a university student/young adult volunteer group associated with the World Mission Society Church of God.

ASEZ conducts many education forums consisting of action items aligned with the United Nations 17 Sustainable Development Goals. Goal 16 addresses crime prevention by promoting peaceful societies, access to justice, and effective institutions. According to research, over a million people worldwide lose their lives to violence every year. To reduce crime that threatens humanity, there must be a change in individuals.

ASEZ actively engages in crime reduction by raising civic awareness and engaging in “Crime Prevention Through Environmental Design” activities like environmental cleanup and mural painting. In so doing, ASEZ contributes to enhancing local communities, making them vibrant and pleasant, ultimately preventing crime.

In the past, ASEZ has hosted crime prevention forums in California, Virginia, Connecticut, and the Philippines.

On Wednesday, Jan. 29, ASEZ will host a forum at 6:30 p.m. at the World Mission Society Church of God, 177 S. Bloomingdale Road.

This event will be held with the National Alliance on Mental Illness, the nation’s largest grass-roots mental health organization, and the Bloomingdale police department.

Through this forum, ASEZ hopes to foster the education and community activism to facilitate a verdant environment for safety beginning in Bloomingdale.

For more information on ASEZ, visit

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