Streamwood approves 3% pay raises for public works, non-sworn police, non-union staff
Streamwood trustees closed 2024 by approving 3% annual raises for public works employees, non-sworn police personnel and non-union employees.
The increases for public works staff was part of a four-year contract, while the raises for non-sworn police staff were part of a three-year contract.
The non-union pay raise was for an overall increase of 3% for 2025 alone.
The public works contract with American Federation of State, County and Municipal Employees (AFSCME) Local 909, guaranteed 3% increases every January through 2028.
Streamwood officials approved a pair of contracts with the Metropolitan Alliance of Police (MAP) for two separate classifications of civilian staff. Assistant Village Manager Lisa Scheiner explained that MAP represents non-sworn police bargaining units as well as sworn personnel.
MAP Local 567 represents nine budgeted police services specialists in the department itself while Local 570 represents 13 other village office employees and inspectors.
Those two MAP contracts provide for 3% pay raises every January through 2027.
Scheiner said negotiations for all three contracts went smoothly.
“We enjoy a good working relationship with our unions and appreciate the good work that was done at the negotiating table,” she added.