
Home & garden calendar Nov. 24-30

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Monday, Nov. 25

Arlington Heights Garden Club — fall gardening: 6:30 p.m. Monday, Nov. 25, at St. Simon’s Episcopal Church, 717 W. Kirchoff Road, Arlington Heights. Social time at 6:30 p.m., 7 p.m. meeting and program. Bill Karges will discuss putting your garden to bed and composting. He will outline how to prepare your garden for winter, with a focus on perennial gardens and the proper way to use mulch. Audience participation, questions and comments will be encouraged. Visitors are welcome.


Chicago Botanic Garden Lightscape: Nov. 15 through Jan. 5, at Chicago Botanic Garden, 1000 Lake-Cook Road, Glencoe. Light displays created by international artists including a walk-through by U.K. artist Squidsoup. Advance tickets $32-$34 for adults; $17-$19 for kids; $5 more if purchased at the door. Free for under age 2. Flex and VIP tickets available.

Illumination: Tree Lights at the Morton Arboretum: Nov. 16 through Jan. 4 at the Morton Arboretum, 4100 Route 53, Lisle. 50 acres of trees festooned with color, light and sound, with six new displays and returning favorites. Illumination in Grand Garden leads to a laser-light finale. New this year is a sensory evening from 4:30-9:30 p.m. Dec. 3, with static lights, music at a lower volume and limited capacity for sensory-sensitive visitors. Electric Illumination, a late-night event for ages 18 and older, takes place from 8:30-10 p.m. Nov. 29-30 and Dec. 6-7 and 13-14. Tickets start at $23.75.


Garden Club of Lake Zurich — Pollinator Habitats: 6:30 p.m. Tuesday, Dec. 3, at Ela Public Library, 275 Mohawk Trail, Lake Zurich. The program, “Creating Backyard Pollinator Habitats,” will explore how you can transform your landscape into a more friendly and inviting place for pollinators while also acting as an investor for a more sustainable environment. This program will discuss the benefits, planning and design, plus proper maintenance of different habitat components. Guests welcome. Refreshments served. Visit

Garden Club of Inverness Luncheon: On Thursday, Dec. 5, the Garden Club of Inverness will be hosting its annual holiday luncheon at Medinah Country Club with the theme “Sleigh Bells Ring.” The event will feature a silent auction, Christmas crafts, and a raffle in addition to a presentation on floral arrangements for the holidays. Tickets are $75. Contact Lauri Mitchell at

Geneva Holiday House Tour: 10 a.m. to 8 p.m. Friday, Dec. 6, and 10 a.m. to 5 p.m. Saturday, Dec. 7. Five homes decorated for the holidays by local decorators open their doors to visitors for self-guided tours. Tickets:

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