
Investigation continues into death of man found near Schaumburg pond

Police investigating the death of a 61-year-old man whose body was discovered Wednesday near a Schaumburg pond are awaiting the results of toxicology tests that could take weeks.

The death of Andrew Young is not considered suspicious, and there is no indication of any threat to the public, Schaumburg police Commander Christy Lindhurst said.

Young, who had no known address and is considered to have been homeless at the time of his death, had extensive health issues, Lindhurst added. Investigators have located and been in contact with his family, she said.

Officers arrived at 900 E. Higgins Road at 11:30 a.m. Wednesday after responding to a call for a well-being check and found Young dead, according to police.

Young was found near the pond east of Life Time Schaumburg fitness center and was pronounced dead at 11:43 a.m., according to the Cook County medical examiner’s office. Police officers found no signs of trauma or foul play.

An autopsy was conducted Thursday, but the medical examiner’s determinations of the cause and manner of Young’s death are still pending. The results of the toxicology tests are needed before the investigation can be closed, Lindhurst said.

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