Erik Longo builds replica Viking shields for Geneva longship, becomes the 203rd Eagle Scout for Troop 11
Erik A. Longo recently became the 203rd Eagle Scout for Blackhawk Troop 11, part of the St. Charles-based BSA Three Fires Council.
The Aurora teen was awarded the highest rank attainable in the Boy Scouting program of the Boy Scouts of America.
The 17-year-old was feted in an afternoon court of honor held April 7 at Wesley United Methodist Church in Aurora
Troop 11, the second oldest in Illinois, was founded in 1916 at Galena Episcopal Methodist Church, predecessor of Wesley UMC.
Longo is a senior honors student at West Aurora High School. While mulling college choices, he plans to become a commercial airline pilot.
To earn his Eagle, Longo coordinated fellow Scouts and others who spent 430 hours building and painting eight Viking replica shields. Guest speaker Dave Nordin, vice president of Friends of the Viking Ship, praised Longo for heading up the project for the nonprofit.
Nordin said the replica shields will be mounted on the Viking, an 1893 replica Norse longship on display at Good Templar Park in Geneva.
The event opened with Scouts Eddie Deems and Aaron Gamboa posting the colors. Joe Martinez, Troop 11 assistant scoutmaster, presided at the court of honor.
Before presenting Longo's award, Martinez recounted selected achievements by Longo: earning a troop record 83 merit badges, recording 50-plus camping nights, Order of the Arrow selection in 2019, and Three Fires Council Project Adams recipient this year.
Longo presented ceremonial pins to his mother, Marianne, and father, Fred. Fred Longo presented his son's Eagle Scout neckerchief.
Erik Longo presented mentor pins to his father and Martinez.
Other guest speakers were Fox Valley U.S. Marine Corps veterans Thomas Bulin, Mark Hernandez and Ted Clinnin who presented Longo with a good citizenship certificate and Ka-Bar Marine fighting knife; and Mike Zafran, president, Sons of Union Veterans of the Civil War, who presented an honors certificate and patch.
Other speakers were Rick Scalzo, scoutmaster; Sarah Bragg, past scoutmaster; and Sandy Barbush, advancement chair.
A reception at the church concluded the event.
Eagle is the highest and most coveted award in all Scouting, and the last major step in the advancement program.
Troop 11 is chartered by Roosevelt-Aurora American Legion Post 84 and has been active in the community since it’s founding in 1916., Troop 11 has guided more than 200 young men on their journey to earn the rank of Eagle. Troop 11 is a “boy-run” troop, focusing on developing leadership by giving Scouts responsibility for managing their activities. Troop 11 meets on Monday evenings at the church.