
‘I hope I made an impact’: Mount Prospect deputy chief retires

Mount Prospect Deputy Police Chief Joseph Garris has retired, ending a 32-year law enforcement career to “enjoy life while I’m still healthy.”

Garris, the deputy chief of operations since 2022, is the second deputy chief to leave the Mount Prospect force within the past seven months. Deputy Chief Tim Griffin stepped down in August to become police chief in LaGrange

Former commander Anthony Addante moved up in the ranks to replace Griffin, and on Tuesday, Cmdr. Bart Tweedie will be sworn in as deputy chief to fill Garris’ post.

Raised in New Jersey, Garris served as a tank crewman with the Marine Corps in Okinawa and mainland Japan.

He turned down the opportunity to become a police officer in New Jersey after he returned to civilian life because his parents were moving to Mount Prospect.

Garris first joined the law enforcement profession in Bensenville then moved to the Mount Prospect Police Department in 2000. He moved up the ranks to patrol sergeant in 2008, special sergeant in investigations in 2011, sergeant of investigations in 2014, commander in 2015, investigations commander in 2020 and, eventually, deputy chief of operations.

Garris said he is grateful for the public backing the police department has received over the years.

“We have had detractors, of course. But the majority of people have been incredibly supportive,” he said.

He said he has seen changes in policing during the time of his service, including an increased focus on mental health.

“The mental health part has always been there,” Garris said. “I think today it has improved so much.”

Family has been important in Garris’ life, especially Joyce, his wife of 30 years.

“I have been so fortunate to work for two agencies,” he said. “To be able to serve the community is just amazing. Just helping people is rewarding on its own merit. I hope I made an impact.”

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