48 St. Francis High School students named Illinois State Scholars
St. Francis High School in Wheaton recently announced that 48 students from the class of 2024 have been designated as Illinois State Scholars, a prestigious recognition of academic achievement presented by the Illinois Student Assistance Commission.
This outstanding representation accounts for 29% of the senior class.
This year, nearly 16,700 honorees join the other outstanding students who have been honored since the designation was first introduced in 1958
Each State Scholar will receive a congratulatory letter and a Certificate of Achievement.
"On behalf of ISAC, congratulations to all our Illinois State Scholars for their extraordinary academic achievements," said ISAC Executive Director Eric Zarnikow. "These high school seniors managed through the personal and learning challenges of the pandemic for several years of high school, and their accomplishments reflect their passion and dedication to academic pursuits.
"We also want to acknowledge and thank families, counselors, educators, mentors, and communities for their encouragement and often invaluable support in helping students along each step of their educational path."
View the list of students at www.sfhscollegeprep.org.