Prospect Hts. library hosting panel discussion on hate crimes
Cook County United Against Hate will host a panel discussion at 7 p.m. Sept. 11 in Prospect Heights about hate crime investigations and remedies.
The event will take place in Rooms A and B of the Prospect Heights Public Library, 12 N. Elm St. in Prospect Heights, and livestreamed via Facebook at
Expected panelists include Cook County Commissioner Scott Britton and representatives from the county sheriff's office, state's attorney, and the department of human rights and ethics.
Attendees will learn about hate crime investigations and criminal prosecution proceedings, victim support resources and mental health services, efforts by Cook County to prevent and interrupt all forms of hate, and actions witnesses or victims can take.
The event is part of the county's fifth annual Racial Equity Week, taking place Sept. 11-15. For information on other events, visit