Coffee Break: Bob Dold, president of Rose Pest Solutions
Q: Describe your company.
A: Rose Pest Solutions is America's Oldest Pest Management company and is a full-service pest management company operating in five states. We are proud to keep homes and businesses safer and healthier.
Q: Do you plan to hire any additional staff or make any significant capital investments in your company in the next year?
A: We are constantly looking to hire team members to help us in our growth. Additionally, we are actively looking to expand our footprint, which will require additional capital investment going forward.
Q: What will your company's main challenges be in the next year?
A: I think that hiring good team members who want to grow with us continues to be an issue that we are continually focusing our attention.
Q: What's the hottest trend in your industry?
A: Remote monitoring of rodent devices and providing 24/7 service to clients are trends that are capturing the attention of the industry today.
Q: If you had one tip to give to a rookie executive, what would it be?
A: Don't get caught in the minutia. Surround yourself with talented people, provide direction, and let them do their job.
Q: Do you have a business mantra?
A: Integrity, service, growth and profit are four guiding principles that we operate under.
Q: From a business outlook, whom do you look up to?
A: There are many leaders in our industry who I look up to, but we are blessed to live in an area with incredible business leaders. We just lost Andy McKenna, who I would put in a group of Chicago business visionaries.
Q: What is one interesting fact about you or your company that most people may not know?
A: Abraham Lincoln was a client.
Rose was founded more than 160 years ago by Solomon Rose, who created an early form of pest control, known today as arsenic. In 1860 Rose was commissioned by the U.S. Army during the Civil War to help keep soldiers in tent camps protected from rats and lice, meaning that Abraham Lincoln was our first client because, as president, he was in charge of the Union Army. From what we understand it was a big job keeping rats at bay in the trenches and tents of the Civil War battlefield. We are proud that our legacy includes helping President Lincoln and Civil War soldiers.
Q: Was there a moment in your career that didn't go as you had planned? What lesson did you learn from it?
A: There have been many moments in my career that did not go as I expected. If you are true to yourself and treat those around you with respect and do the right thing when people are not paying attention, my experience says you will have opportunities that will be presented to allow you to excel professionally.
Q: What do you like to do in your free time?
A: Spend time with my children, be active outdoors, play paddle tennis or find a way to get on Lake Michigan.
Q: What book is on your nightstand?
A: 7 Men: And the Secret of Their Greatness, by Eric Metaxas, is a book I am rereading after a few years. That is what is on the top of several books I need to get through.
Q: If you were not doing this job, what do you think you would be doing?
A: Public service is a passion of mine and would be the thing that would take me away from the day to day of Rose.
Q: What was your first paying job?
A: I ran a paper route for the Chicago Daily News.
Q: If you could put your company name on a sports venue, which one would you choose?
A: Wrigley Field is such a great venue and the Ricketts have done such a great job in creating a destination venue around the Friendly Confines. I love the family vibe and experience the Ricketts have preserved.