I Served Too: The Female Veteran Perspective
It's International Women's History Month, a time to recognize the 2 million women who have served in the U.S. military.
Did you know that women veterans have served since the Revolutionary War and continue shaping the world for future generations?
Civilians frequently overlook women veterans, and even today, some women struggle to consider themselves veterans.
The VA estimates that 10% of our veteran population consists of women and is the fastest-growing group in the veteran population!
That number is projected to grow to 18% by 2040.
Despite making up 10% of the veteran population, they are not seen as the quintessential image of a veteran. We must heed the words of Lieutenant Anne Brehm, World War II veteran and Army nurse: "Let the generations know that women in uniform also guaranteed their freedom; that our resolve was as great as the brave men who stood among us; and with victory our hearts were just as full and beat just as fast as theirs … "
We Invite You to Learn from Women who have Served
On Thursday, March 30, 2022, at 10 a.m. Central Time at Blue Door Neighborhood Center, Veteranos Combatiendo el Suicidio and Top Flight Defense Inc. will host the panel discussion, I Served Too: The Female Veteran Experience.
The community is welcome to attend in person or through Webex and gain insight to how it was and still is for three Chicagoland Veterans. Cassandra Taylor, Zakiya Mosi McKinney, and Abbie Holland Schmit will give a candid look at what it is like to be a female Veteran. Denisse Montoya, U.S. Air Force Veteran, will serve as the panel's moderator. Guests are welcome to ask questions via chat or as called on by the moderator. Refreshments and giveaways will be offered to those who attend live, thanks to our sponsors from Blue Door Neighborhood Center and Rags of Honor.
Please register here to attend: I Served Too: The Female Veteran Perspective-Panel Discussion