
Does Mount Prospect need an ethics committee? Trustee candidates weigh in

The four candidates seeking three 4-year seats on the Mount Prospect village board support the creation of an ethics ordinance addressing potential conflicts of interest among village leaders.

Only one candidate said the village needs an ethics committee to enforce it.

"We certainly need an ethics ordinance for anybody who is working in the village and elected officials especially," challenger and former board member William Grossi said, adding that he would sponsor and help write such an ordinance.

"We have gotten close in a couple of instances where I thought some violations of ethical conduct occurred on the board," Grossi said, declining to elaborate.

Trustee Colleen Saccotelli said she would be open to an ethics ordinance and suggested examining what other towns are doing.

"I feel that the village has a robust financial disclosure requirement, as well as the state requirement," she added.

Former Trustee Eleni Hatzis said there should be a clear statement of what is expected from village leaders.

"I recall when I was a trustee, I followed a certain internal code of ethics, meaning I'm fair, I take into consideration the community, not my personal opinion, on matters," she said.

Challenger and current Elk Grove Township Trustee Vince Dante alone said he would also support the creation of an ethics committee.

"When you do have these ethical violations, there does need to be some sort of ad hoc committee in order to discuss these ethics issues," he said. "A piece of paper is not going to articulate every potential issue of ethics that may or may not come up."

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