Northbrook police investigating string of pickpocket thefts
The Northbrook Police Department is investigating a series of pickpocket thefts in village stores and restaurants.
Targets often are elderly people, said police.
The Northbrook police said pickpocket crimes have been happening throughout the metropolitan area, and the department is working with surrounding enforcement agencies to investigate.
The Northbrook Police Department shared several tips to help avoid falling prey to pickpockets:
• Keep purses or bags fully zipped or closed.
• Don't leave purses or bags unattended in shopping carts.
• Keep bags or purses in front of you at a table, not hanging on the back of a chair.
• Be cautious of people bumping into you or following you closely.
• Be aware if someone asks, "Did you drop anything?" This could create a diversion for a pickpocket to act while you're looking at the floor.
Northbrook Police Chief Christopher Kennedy reminded people to always be aware of their surroundings.
"As always, if you see something, say something," Kennedy said.
People with any information regarding pickpocket thefts are asked to call the Northbrook police at (847) 564-2060.