Students, residents bring vandalized Rolling Meadows mural back to life
Sadness and disappointment turned to cheerfulness and excitement Tuesday for about 40 volunteers who worked to repair a new mural recently vandalized by graffiti in Rolling Meadows.
Residents and members of the Rolling Meadows High School art club, including some who were involved in the original design, used various paints and brushes to again bring some color to a dark pedestrian underpass beneath Kirchoff Road. They spent a few hours Tuesday afternoon on the detailed restoration, trying to preserve as much of the mural as possible.
The 92-foot-long mural was found damaged with red and green spray paint on Sept. 23 - only months after its dedication along the Salt Creek bike path in Kimball Hill Park. Students worked Saturdays and over the summer from April through June on the piece that depicts recreational activities in all four seasons, from a child fishing to skaters shooting hockey pucks into a net.
The mural and restoration is a joint project between the park district and high school art club.