Gutierrez: The true belief we hold is hope
America was founded on the belief that all men are created equal. With that, we the people responded to the beliefs upon which out declaration was shaped around with our hope. President Lincoln said, "In giving freedom to the slave, we assure freedom to the free - honorable alike in what we give, and what we preserve. We shall nobly save, or meanly lose, the last, best hope of earth."
No matter the circumstances, we the people of the United States have the hope that freedom is still there, in the hearts of those who carry the courage, the strength, the belief in carrying out the actions to preserve the value in which our independence is shaped upon.
In saying that, Abraham Lincoln once said, "Freedom is the last, best hope of Earth." This is what it means to me. That the true beliefs of freedoms and hope are carried out in the actions of we, the people.