Warrenville Park District seeks community input for strategic master plan
Warrenville Park District is embarking on a journey to create a strategic master plan to shape future parks and recreation needs. Residents are invited to participate in this process to help the district imagine what future parks, programs, special events, recreation facilities etc. could look like.
Warrenville Park District has hired PROS Consulting, INC. a leader in parks and recreation consulting nationwide and their Principal, Neelay Bhatt will be leading this project along with ETC Institute, a statistically-valid survey firm, from Kansas City.
Warrenville Park District will conduct a public input meeting to gather feedback from residents. This meeting will be open to all and will enable individuals to learn about the District's future demographics and recreation trends while participating through live polling, Q&A, and public comments.
The meeting will be held from 6 to 7 p.m. Monday, June 27, in the Warrenville Park District Community Building, 3S240 Warren Avenue, Warrenville, IL 60555.
"During the meetings, we will introduce the strategic master plan and engage the community through creative online mediums designed to boost public input. We look forward to the community participating to the fullest extent possible to help guide our efforts to improve Warrenville's fast growing park system and plan for the future of our parks and recreation services, including prioritizing projects, maintenance, policy, and funding," said Warrenville Park District Executive Director Tim Reinbold.
The consulting team has also developed an ADA-accessible, multilingual crowdsourcing website to guide this project at www.warrenvilleparkplan.com. This website will provide information on all plan updates, meeting dates, and online surveys.
Meetings with key city leaders, staff and user groups will also be conducted in June, followed by a statistically-valid survey mailed to a random sample of Warrenville residents.