
Geneva Methodists donate 64 bags of groceries to St. Charles Salvation Army

Congregants at United Methodist Church of Geneva were generous in a food drive Sunday, Feb. 6.

A report in the church's "Weekly Messenger," an email newsletter, said congregants donated 64 bags of food and household items that were delivered to the Salvation Army St. Charles Corp's food pantry on Monday, Feb. 7.

The drive was part of UMCG's rededication worship service to celebrate remodeling of the 185-year-old congregation's sanctuary, library, classrooms and offices during January. The drive was sponsored by the church's committee on Missions/Church in Society.

A spokesperson wrote, "The Committee on Missions/Church in Society would like to thank everyone for the generous outpouring of Salvation Army Food Pantry items received on Feb. 6. We were able to deliver 64 bags of food to the food Pantry on Monday morning!

"What a fitting statement about the commitment of church members to others on the very Sunday we celebrate our beautiful new surroundings. Our food contributions are an important and ongoing way of reaching beyond these beautiful walls, and our members understand this commitment implicitly!"

The statement added that the church has established a new donation station with bins to receive food-pantry contributions.

The donation station is housed in the church's lower level beneath the fellowship hall.

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