
Curtain: The June Newspaper Movie of the Month


Today marks the third anniversary of our Newspaper Movie of the Month offerings, and you might ask, "How could it have taken them so long to recognize the newspapering roots of "Superman"? Without the Daily Planet (the original comic identified the paper as the Daily Star), there would be no Clark Kent, no Lois Lane, no Jimmy Olsen and no Perry White. So to mark the June 1938 first issue of the comic book (actually released that April), let's honor the 1978 version of "Superman." There have been seven Superman movies (with more on the way), but the '78 film started the ball rolling (and the sculpted Christopher Reeve rendition of Clark fits our newspapering self-image.) Also starring in that movie: Margot Kidder as Lois, Jackie Cooper as Perry and Marlon Brando, Gene Hackman and Glenn Ford. Widely available on DVD, Blu-Ray and most streaming platforms. Excuse us now; we need to find a phone booth.

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