
Suburban Skyview: Sun casts dramatic shadows at the Elburn Days parade

A late summer sun closed out the day as the Elburn Days parade rolled down north Main Street to the south casting long shadows from the thousands of people in attendance, paying homage to festivals far and wide in suburban towns.

The Elburn Days parade symbolizes the end of summer fun and the beginning of fall and the stark reminder that winter is coming near.

The long summer shadows added a sense of drama for Elburn's population of 5,600 people and out-of-town guests who showed up to see the spectacle.

The sun colored the suburban parade creating a scientific illusion: the shape of the person always determines the shape of the shadow but the size and shape of the shadow changes with its light source.

That's why the shadows falling on the participants in the parade appear dramatic, caused by a low-hanging, summer-ending sun last August.

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