
D214 head of finance and operations honored

District 214 Associate Superintendent for Finance and Operations Cathy Johnson received recent recognition for her seven years of service, including one year as president, to the Illinois Association of School Business Officials.

In a statement, IASBO's executive director and current board leaders, said that “Cathy provided leadership, insight, and knowledge to this state organization. She has empowered school business professionals to be visionary leaders in their profession, provided support to new members and brought together school business officials and partners to share in the solutions that benefit all. The learning community of IASBO is unparalleled, and Cathy had a huge part in fostering relationships amongst CSBO's across the state.”

In recognition of her service, IASBO also presented a check for $2,500 in Johnson's name, from the IASBO Foundation to the District 214 Education Foundation.

Thanking Johnson in a Zoom video played for District 214's Board was IASBO Executive Director Michael Jacoby, along with IASBO Board President Mark Altmayer, Huntley District 158 CFO and treasurer; President Elect Jan Bush, business manager, Murphysboro CUSD 186; and Immediate Past President Dean Romano, Geneva District 304 assistant superintendent for business services.

All four cited Johnson's dedication to IASBO's mission in addition to her own work in District 214 and thanked District 214's Board and administration for allowing her to serve in this capacity.

“Cathy not only shaped the organization, but helped shape me as a leader as well,” Romano said.

Bush noted that Johnson's work on behalf of IASBO required a deep time commitment and said, “You've been so valuable to our organization. You led with humor and integrity through all the adversity we've seen over the years. Thank you for adding so much value.”

Johnson said, “The collaboration, support and professional development that results from this association is immeasurable. I am humbled and honored to have been selected to represent this remarkable group of professionals.”

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