Bloomingdale Park District gets grant for Westlake Park
Bloomingdale Park District recently received news that it has been awarded a grant of $9,500 from the Illinois Clean Energy Community Foundation to cover 50% of the cost of converting turf grass to pollinator meadow habitat at Westlake Park.
"The Bloomingdale Park District is pleased to again join forces with the Illinois Clean Energy Community Foundation," said Bloomingdale Park District Executive Director Joe Potts. "It is great to have a partner in our efforts to further broaden the diversity of our landscape at Westlake Park.
"One goal of the foundation's efforts is to convert mowed turf areas to areas that are more diverse biologically and therefore more attractive to native pollinator species," Potts said. "Westlake Park is one of our most visited parks.
"Visitors of all ages to Westlake Park will enjoy a more diverse variety of birds, bees, and butterflies thanks to the Illinois Clean Energy Community Foundation," Potts said.
The conversion must include a minimum of two acres, and a portion of grant funds must be set aside for interpretive signage.
The accompanying image exhibits the areas of the park to be converted.
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