Learn about 'The Dark History of Nursery Rhymes' at Algonquin library April 6
The Algonquin Area Public Library will host a variety of programs this month, including a program on "The Dark History of Nursery Rhymes," "Genealogy 101," a Women's History Month Trivia Contest, and more. For information or registration, visit www.aapld.org.
Learn all about conifers:
The program on "Conifers - The Good, the Bad, and the Ugly" will be 7 to 8 p.m. Monday, March 23, at the Harnish Main Library. A presentation to discuss diseases, pests, care and pruning of conifers, as well as the best choices for our area. Registration is required.
Be a CASA volunteer:
How to become a court appointed advocate for children from 7 to 8 p.m. Wednesday, March 25, in the Harnish Main Library's Main Program Room. A representative from CASA Kane County presents its mission, how the program works, possible indications of abuse, how to report, and how to become a Court Appointed Special Advocate for children.
Trivia contest:
A Women's History Month Trivia Contest from 6:30 to 8:30 p.m. Monday, March 30, in the Harnish Main Library, 2600 Harnish Drive. Test your knowledge of all things "women and the right to vote" using the Kahoot app compete for the title of library's Women's History Champion. There will be prizes and cake. American Association of University Women is co-sponsoring this event. Before the Trivia, check out the VR (Virtual Reality Google Expeditions ... think an interactive "ViewMaster") for patrons to visit the Belmont-Paul Women's Equality National Monument in Washington, D.C.! There are links to other information and objects in the "rooms."
'The Dark History of Nursery Rhymes':
Learn the dark history of nursery rhymes with John Gowing from 7 to 8 p.m. Monday, April 6, in the Harnish Main Library, 2600 Harnish Drive. What is not widely known is that many of these rhymes were created about some dark periods in Britain's past. Not suitable for children. Registration is required.
Tips on downsizing:
"Downsize, Organize, and Eliminate Your Stuff" from 7 to 8 p.m. Tuesday, April 7, in the large meeting room of the Harnish Main Library. Presenter Vickie Burger of SPIFF shows how to 'downsize' and eliminate unneeded household furniture and items. Registration is required.
D300 Art Show Reception: Join the artists of Community Unit District 300 for awards and see the student art all around the Harnish Main Library. The reception will be 6 to 8 p.m. Thursday, April 9.
Genealogy 101:
Fast track your genealogy research with strategies, using charts, source tracking, and good habits to get started in "Genealogy 101" from 7 to 8:30 p.m. Thursday, April 9, in the large meeting room at the Harnish Main Library. Registration is required.
Landscaping 101:
"Landscaping 101" will be offered from 7 to 8 p.m. Monday, April 13, at the Harnish Main Library. A presentation to share ways to (re)create an attractive yard using trees, shrubs, perennials, and annuals. Registration is required.