
Decision on Elk Grove term limits referendum delayed

Legal arguments over one of two objections against an Elk Grove Village term limits referendum were heard by a Cook County judge Monday, but a decision was delayed until at least Wednesday.

Attorneys for Elk Grove resident Tim Burns are seeking judicial review of a law signed July 19, 2019, by Gov. J.B. Pritzker. It requires municipal term limits approved anytime after Nov. 8, 2016, to be prospective, not retroactive.

Burns argues the law is unconstitutional. He is seeking a March 17, 2020 ballot question that, if approved by voters, would retroactively impose term limits on the mayor and village trustees in Elk Grove, effectively ending the tenures of Mayor Craig Johnson and several longtime board members in 2021.

Judge Maureen Hannon on Monday said she wanted to hear additional arguments from attorneys for Burns and objector Benjamin Lee. She could rule on Wednesday, when another objection also will be heard.

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