
Help Winfield prepare for 100th anniversary celebration in 2021

In 2021, the Village of Winfield will be celebrating the 100th anniversary of its incorporation.

To recognize the village's milestone anniversary, Village President Erik Spande announced formation of the Winfield Centennial Taskforce to plan a year full of exciting events for 2021, both old and new!

The taskforce is co-sponsored by the village and the Greater Winfield Chamber of Commerce, and is open to anyone interested in volunteering. Current members include representatives of local organizations like Winfield Elementary District 34 and Winfield Park District, business owners, and individual residents.

The taskforce meets twice a month to brainstorm and organize the yearlong events planned for 2021.

Anticipated activities include a Jan. 1 torch run around town, a fashion show themed "through the decades,"seasonal special events, and a Good Old Days Festival with some historic twists!

For more information on the Winfield Centennial Task Force, visit or the village website at

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