
It's time for grass-roots action on climate change

Amid all the daily discouraging news about climate change, I felt a surprising moment of hope during the recent G-7 summit. U.N. Secretary-General Antonio Guterres pointed out that while the actions of some of our world leaders are taking us in the wrong direction on climate change, the American people must step up instead to lead change and protect our earth home.

As Margaret Mead famously said, "Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed citizens can change the world. Indeed, it is the only thing that ever has."

I believe that we all need to engage with our elected officials and let them know how strongly we feel about slowing down climate change. If nothing is done, many of the world's current problems will be dwarfed by the deterioration of our only home in the near future. What can just one person do? You can contact your members of Congress to urge them to support legislation to address climate change.

The Energy Innovation and Carbon Dividend Act (H.R. 763) is a bill now in the House of Representatives which will incentivize a rapid transition to cleaner energy by taxing fossil fuels at their source and returning the proceeds to the American people. Please do your part to lead the change we need and call, email, or write your Congress person and ask them to co-sponsor this bill now.

Karen Campbell


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