
Socialism of the rich is overlooked

Here in America, we hear constant fear mongering about the "Evils of Socialism" from the same fascists fleecing the treasury of We the People. A few examples:

The military-industrial complex: Using our tax dollars, hundreds of corporations and CEOs profit from more than $700 billion annually to reign death and destruction down on perceived enemies. Most famous is Dick Cheney's Haliburton profiting from the Iraq War initiated with lies to the American people, which to this day has destabilized the Middle East. As corporations socialize death and destruction, one wonders which war for profit will the MIC lie us into next?

Professional sports: Billionaire owners of America's NFL, NBA, MLB and NHL have been coercing and strong-arming taxpayers to fund the building and remodeling of stadiums across America. Instead of using their own financing, these billionaires reap the rewards of tax subsidies while our roads, bridges, transit systems, schools and assistance for the elderly, disabled and children go unfunded. Socialism for the rich, rugged individualism for the rest.

Corporate America: Thanks to the right wing SCOTUS Citizens United decision, which opened the floodgates for legalized bribery, American and transnational corporations have bought off the entire Republican Party which has weaponized and socialized the Corporate and 1% tax code as soaring deficits are left for our children and grandchildren to pay for or suffer the consequences of socialism for the rich.

Meanwhile the right wing propaganda machine, spearheaded by Fox News, OAN, Sinclair Broadcasting and AM hate radio, brainwashes 30% of America's most uninformed citizens into believing that universal health care, a living wage with benefits and an affordable education are somehow the "Evils of Socialism." Sadly, thanks to 40 years of Reaganomics, the fascist cabal of America's oligarchs benefit the most from American socialism.

Bob Janz


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