
Identify crimes against environment

Amazing. Donald Trump announces a reversal of an Obama policy to limit greenhouse gas emissions from coal-fueled power plants just as we learn that the ice sheets in Greenland and the permafrost are melting way faster than expected. So, the effects of global warming (e.g., sea level rise and violent and erratic weather patterns) are much worse than predicted and happening right now.

Global warming is on track to kill many millions more than in the Holocaust and during Stalin's purges. Many species will become extinct and conditions for humans will be greatly degraded. We can expect massive migrations of climate refugees and ugly wars over decreasing resources, including fresh water. America's crops might fail because of erratic weather and climate migration.

To hold those responsible accountable, we need a new designation of Crimes against the Environment. Wealthy climate criminals - individuals and corporations - could be tried by juries that include those who are suffering the effects of climate catastrophe.

Dan Bailey


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