
We must be vigilant to control state spending

With one week left in Springfield's regular legislative session, the wheels are spinning. Madigan's supermajority wants new gas, gambling and pot taxes; will increase property taxes through unfunded local school mandates; and will escalate fees. Notwithstanding the May 31 budget deadline, no proposed budget bill exists, because proposed new spending requires billions of new taxes.

The proposed "graduated" income tax amendment to eliminate the Illinois Constitution's equal tax treatment has an army of tax lobbyists salivating over opportunities to grease connected insiders' wheels. Utterly missing from the debate are bipartisan proposals to amend the Illinois Constitution to reform and restructure what drives the structural deficits: the Illinois pension system.

There is some hope - federal reforms improved our state tax base, generating $1.5 billion dollars in extra revenue for this fiscal year. The governor was rightly pressured by stakeholders on both sides of the aisle to abandon his plan to short the teacher, police and firefighter pensions this year. That doesn't mean he won't try again next year.

Illinois' Department of Revenue estimates $800 million more will arrive in the next fiscal year. I urged fellow legislators to try something new under the dome: control spending, not raise taxes; and encourage natural economic growth to help balance our budget. We know the way; we just need the will. We must be vigilant to advocate and insist that the state use all newfound revenues to dig Illinois out of its fiscal hole. Please call our office to learn how you can help.

State Rep. Deanne M. Mazzochi


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